Monthly Specials Menu

April/May '24

 Catalan Style Chicken

This dish is inspired from the beautiful region of Catalonia Spain.
Quartered chicken is seasoned, seared and braised in a tasty stew made with tomato, apricot, cinnamon, onions and more.

Bistec de Carne Colombiana (Colombian braised steak)

Flank/Skirt steak is sliced, pounded and seared. 

Then submerged and stewed in a hogao based sauce made with tomato, onion cumin, red vinegar and cilantro.

 **Thai Green Curry Chicken

Tender cuts of Chicken thigh are quickly marinaded, seared and then

cooked in a green curry sauce made with coconut milk, green curry ingredients, fresh lime juice and cilantro.

Miso Glazed Cod
New Engand cod is marinated in a miso blend made with miso, brown sugar, sesame oil and mirin.

Cod is broiled and glazed

**West African Peanut Soup

Made with sweet potato, tomato, collard greens (or swiss chard) onion, ginger, hot pepper,

chicken and of course peanut butter.
A classic soup thats hearty and delicious.   

Morrocan Inspired Beef

Beef is seasoned in morrocan spices, and braised until tender in a broth made with beef stock,

dried fruits, onion, garlic, and spices

New England Seafood Chowder
A typical creamy NE chowder made with fresh Salmon, cod and shrimp.
Always hearty and delicious.

**Buffalo Spiced Panko crusted Chicken Breast

A deliciously spiced blend of panko crumbs with hints of cheddar cheese is topped over

Chicken breast and then roasted to perfection.
Served over a light ranch hot pepper sauce.

 ** - dishes that can be converted vegetarian option

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